
Employment and Career Development

Date: 06-03-2019
Time: 14:00-16:00
Venue: ELA 002 (TLT)
Organiser Lead: Dr Huseyin Seker (IoC Northumbria Director)

This workshop has been organised to help you improve your future career and employability, and will include a number of sessions throughout the academic year. The sessions will include internal and external speakers talking about how you can develop your skills, and internal, regional and nationwide support opportunities as well as inspiring talks from successful start-ups sharing their success journeys with you.

This week's talk will be from Mr Graham Baty, Student and Graduate Enterprise Manager (Careers & Employment Service, SLS, Northumbria University). He will deliver a session on the service offered by the University to its students/graduates interested in developing enterprising skills, entering self-employment or wanting to start a business. This will include information on the type and level of support on offer internally, how to get started in self-employment/business start-up and the support available external to the University in the NE region.